Scientific and rote-free method of learning the Mantra Language through Natural Law

Sound is called as God in the Vedic literature. Even in the Old Testament word is accepted as synonympus with God. Scientists accept the creation of this cosmos from sound.

What kind of sound is synonymous with God? God resides in the heart. When gross speech gradually dissolves in the subtle-most speech, it gets purified in the place of the unified field called Para, Shabda Brahma or Mahad Brahma. The Shabda or word and world both are created when Mahad Brahma is united with Para Brahma. In other words when Prakriti (nature) moves to unite with Purusha (God). In the Tantrik literatures the place of gross and subtle-most sounds or speeches are called Chakras in the body. Chakras means lotuses. There are six lotuses consisting of different petals just like strings of a stringed musical instrument. These strings produce 51 different kinds of sounds which are known to us as letters.

Tantrikas worship the letters as deities. These come out from Anahata Chakra the place of God. The group of letters is called Matrika as it is the mother of all Vedas and Mantras. The traditional key to worship the letters and how the divine letters appear from the various chakras was lost in time. Without this knowledge students do not understand how the letters appear from the Chakra through unification of Mahad Brahma and Para Brahma together.

An analogy can be given that Prakriti is like iron particles and Purusha is like a magnet. The iron particles get attracted and move towards the magnet however the magnet always stays steady, immovable. The letters like Prakriti (iron) move towards the Purusha (Magnet) change and get attached to the letter, in the place of magnet. The whole nature Prakriti is dancing attracted towards the absolute, Purusha (God). This rule is called The Natural Law.

With help of the natural law along with philosophic, musical, historical and phonetic mnemonics curious Sadhakas compose the mantra language (modern name Sanskrit) and they enter in the heart of the words through etymological operation, without a need to learn by the heart (rote) this divine language. The unification, yoga of Paraa Vak with Para Brahma is called Vak+Yoga=Vagyoga. Therefore the name of this technique is famous as Vagyoga Vidhi.

Through this Vagyoga technique Sadhakas derive thousands of words from a single verb of this divine language with meaning and genders. Within 270 lessons they compose sentences and understand the meaning of the texts. This method is also called Vagyoga-sadhana. Its scope culminates in Pashyanti Vak.

A new way of learning Sanskrit